Creation of participatory science protocoles

As part of the monitoring of environmental indicators on the biomimetic mooring modules of the MARINEFF project, our partner the National Museum of Natural History (MNNH) has created 2 participatory science protocols for recreational divers.

The first, the SENTINELLES protocol, offers to take underwater photos of the species present on the reefs, in order to carry out a biological watch on these biomimetic mooring modules, to identify local biodiversity and raise awareness among a greater number of actors.

The second, the AMBASSADOR protocol, aims to bring together volunteer divers to carry out a quasi-scientific follow-up of the colonization of the modules, with the setting up of a preliminary training organized by the marine station of Dinard. More robust data will be collected and will make it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the contributions of biomimetic moorings as a support for local biodiversity in the long term.

Nearly 50 divers have already registered for the Ambassador protocol!

You can find the flyer and the poster realized by Valentin DANET here: FLYER and SUPPORT

The facebook page of the “Observatoire participatif de plongée” :

Some photos of the first dives on biomimetic moorings: